


Telefonnumnmer die gfs helfen können
Achtung Telefonnummern ändern sich, also keine Gewähr

Emergency Phones

Samos Police Dept. 100 or 22730 22100
Karlovasi Police Dept. ______ 22730 33333
Fire Department ___________ 22730 22199
Samos Port Police _ 22730 27318 or 27890
Karlovasi Port Police _______ 22730 32343
Samos Forest Fire Dept. ____ 22730 27435
Karlovasi Forest Fire Dept. __ 22730 32353
Samos Hospital ____________22730 83100
Samos First Aid Dept._______ 22730 22222
Karlovasi First Aid Dept. ____ 22730 32222 "ELPA" Road Assistance ____ 22730 27104 "Express Service" Road Assis. 22730 25158
"Interamerican Road Assistan 22730 23330

Health (Hospital, Infirmaries, Pharmacies)
Prefectorial Self-Government
Tax Offices - Customs Office-Employment Agency (OAED)-Labor Office
Samian Municipalities
Public Order
Environmental Protection
Culture - Sports - Church
Unions Of Samians in Greece

Source : insert "Antidoro moments 2003"
of the Samian newspaper "Charavgi"
Tel.22730 80544 & 22730 25360
e-mail xaraugi@otenet.gr

Greek telephone directory Greek tourist & commercial telephone directory Greek Yellow pages

Samos Island Self Government

Prefects' Office _________ 22730 80000
Prefects Assistant Office __ 22730 80413
Karlovasi Bureau _________ 22730 30359
Legal Council Dept. _______ 22730 80395
Planning Dept. ___________ 22730 80005
Emigrants Office _________ 22730 80435
Tourism-Culture __________ 22730 80376
Youth - Sports __________ 22730 80376
Urban Planning Office ____ 22730 80424
Technical Services Bureau _ 22730 80421 Communication Dept._____ 22730 80398
Health Dept. _____________ 22730 80425
Social Welfare Dept. ______ 22730 80411
Agriculture Dept. _________ 22730 80401
Fishing Dept. ____________ 22730 80407
Veterinary Dept.__________ 22730 80408
Industry Bureau __________ 22730 80418
Commerce Dept.__________ 22730 80409
Financial services Dept. ___ 22730 80009
Information Management Dept.2730 80298
Employment Office ________ 22730 80410

Other Samian Services

Director__________________ 22730 27357
Telephone center _________ 22730 22730
Telephone center _________ 22730 80166

Director__________________ 22730 32239
Telephone center__________ 22730 32264
Telephone center__________ 22730 22730

Director _________________ 22730 27202
Telephone center__________ 22730 24885

Karlovasi Customs Office 22730 32275

Pythagoreio Customs Off. 22730 61030

Land Registry ___________ 22730 27218

Employment Office ______ 22730 24670

Labor Inspector _________ 22730 27442

Laborers Office __________ 22730 22968


Municipality of Vathi
Mayor's Office ____________ 22730 27186
Vice-mayor's Office _______ 22730 22348
Board Secretariat_________ 22730 23222
Citizen's Advocate _________22730 28610
Finance Department _______ 22730 28201
Information Mgnt. _________ 22730 89850
Register - Municipal Roll ____ 22730 27340
Youth Center ____________ 22730 28854

Municipality of Karlovasi
Mayor's Office ____________ 22730 32881
Vice-mayor's Office _______ 22730 34585
Board Secretariat _________ 22730 35944
Secretariat_______________ 22730 32265
Citizen's Advocate ________ 22730 35945
Financial Department ______ 22730 35686
Register - Municipal roll ______2730 34444
Press Office ______________22730 35945

Municipality of Pythagoreio
Mayor's Office ____________ 22730 61997
Secretariat ______________ 22730 61998
General Services __________ 22730 62000
Citizen's Advocate ________ 22730 91783
Financial Dept. ___________ 22730 91224
Technical Dept. __________ 22730 91788

Municipality of Marathokampos
Mayor's Office ____________ 22730 31111
Programming Dept. ________ 22730 31111
Secretariat-Municipal Roll __ 22730 31221
Citizen's Advocate ________22730 37500

Samos Municipality's Communities
St. Constantine __________ 22730 94220
Ampelos ________________ 22730 94318
Vathi ___________________ 22730 27395
Vourliotes _______________ 22730 93260
Kokkari _________________ 22730 92255
Kokkari Tourist Bureau ____ 22730 92333
Manolates ______________ 22730 94346
Palaiokastro _____________ 22730 27071
Stavrinides ______________ 22730 94351

Karlovasi Municipality's Communities
St. Theodore ____________ 22730 39291
Drakeoi _________________ 22730 37904
Kastania ________________ 22730 35559
Konteika ________________ 22730 39389
Kontakeika ______________ 22730 33571
Kosmadeoi _______________ 22730 32720
Lekka ___________________ 22730 33679
Platanos ________________ 22730 39217
Hydroussa _______________ 22730 33304

Pythagoreio Municipality's Communities
Koumaradeoi _____________ 22730 41287
Mavratzeoi ______________ 22730 91298
Myloi ___________________ 22730 71493
Mytilinioi ________________ 22730 51131
Pagondas ________________ 22730 71203
Iraion ___________________ 22730 95270
Pandrosos _______________ 22730 41335
Pyrgos __________________ 22730 41005
Spathareoi _______________ 22730 41074
Chora ___________________ 22730 91770

Marathokampos Municipality's Communities
Kallithea ________________ 22730 37892
Koumeika ________________ 22730 36318
Neochori ________________ 22730 37996
Skoureika ________________ 22730 37724


Samos Police Dept.
Chief ___________________ 22730 87311
Adjutant ________________ 22730 87316
Security Office ___________ 22730 87322
Security Office ___________ 22730 87321
Secretariat ______________ 22730 87335
Tourist Police ____________ 22730 87344
Tourist Police ____________ 22730 81000

Karlovasi police Dept.
Chief ___________________ 22730 33333
Secretariat _____________ 22730 32444

Pythagoreio Police Dept.
Chief ___________________ 22730 61333
Secretariat ______________ 22730 61100

Police Departments in Samos
St. Constantine __________ 22730 94202
Kokkari _________________ 22730 92202
Marathokampos___________ 22730 31222
Mytilinioi ________________ 22730 51333
Pagondas _______________ 22730 71222
Pyrgos __________________ 22730 41000

Fire Department
Telephone Center _________ 22730 22199
Telephone Center _________ 22730 23061
Telephone Center _________ 22730 23062
Telephone Center _________ 22730 23063

Samos Port Police
Telephone Center_________ 22730 27318
Telephone Center _________ 22730 27890

Port Police Stations
Karlovasi ________________ 22730 30888
Pythagoreio _____________ 22730 61225

Forest Dept.
Chief ___________________ 22730 24740
Telephone Center _________ 22730 27435
Samos Forest Police _______ 22730 28373
Karlovasi Forest Police _____ 22730 32353

Samos Hospital ________ 22730 83100

Emergency Department 22730 22222

Karlovasi Health Center ____ 22730 32222

Mental Health Department _ 22730 80953

Prevention and Health Awareness Center 22730 23443

Poisoning Center _________ 210 7793777

Regional Health Centers
St. Constantine __________ 22730 94207
Vathi __________________ 22730 23255
Kallithea ________________ 22730 38222
Kokkari _________________ 22730 92203
Kontakeika ______________ 22730 34062
Lekka __________________ 22730 33639
Marathokampos___________ 22730 31207
Mytilinioi ________________ 22730 51223
Pagondas _______________ 22730 71220
Platanos ________________ 22730 39285
Pythagoreio _____________ 22730 61111
Pyrgos _________________ 22730 41001
Chora __________________ 22730 91898

Antoniou Evangelia _______ 2273027487
Kalatzi Stavroula _________ 22730 23098
Kaploula Martha __________ 22730 27257
Konstantakis Georgios _____ 22730 23686
Nitsolas Andreas _________ 22730 28002
Sasmatzis Aristides _______ 22730 22322
Tzaras Nikolaos ___________ 22730 23320
Fragoulis Georgios ________ 22730 22000
Filiakos Emmanouel ________ 22730 23929
Dimitriou Antonios _________ 22730 32838
Kalisperi Sevi _____________ 22730 32658
Kelesidou Maria ___________ 22730 30700
Fotiou Maria _____________ 22730 32646
Chatzieleftheriadou Elpida __ 22730 61671
Kozonis Anastasios ________ 22730 31585
Karayianni Marigo _________ 22730 71494
Stamatiou Konstantina _____ 22730 91555
Trova Maria ______________ 22730 51171
Vogiatzoglou Georgios _____ 22730 41333
Sofoulis Konstantinos ______ 22730 91439


Primary Education Office
Director _________________ 22730 80862
Secretariat ______________ 22730 80428
School Advisors __________ 22730 80429

2nd Level Education Office
Director _________________ 22730 80433
Administration____________ 22730 80430
General Education Dept. ___ 22730 80431
Technical Education Dept. __ 22730 80432
Sports Dept. _____________ 22730 80434

Telephone Center _________ 22730 82000
Dept. of Informatics and Communication 22730 82200
Statistics Dept. __________ 22730 82300
Library__________________ 22730 82030
Mathematics Dept. _______ 22730 82100
Computer Dept. _________ 22730 82166

Samos _________________ 22730 28966
Karlovasi ________________ 22730 32982
Marathokampos ___________ 22730 31502

High Schools
1st Samos _______________ 22730 27766
2nd Samos ______________ 22730 27596
Marathokampos ___________ 22730 31211
Karlovasi ________________ 22730 32308
Pythagoreio ______________ 22730 61461
Pyrgos __________________ 22730 41037

Technical Lyceums
Samos __________________ 22730 28477
Karlovasi ________________ 22730 35690


Culture Dept. ___________ 22730 80376
Public Library ___________ 22730 27216
Samos Historical Records _ 22730 28682

Antiquities Bureau
Samos Arch. Museum ____ 22730 27469
Pythagoreio Arch.Museum 22730 61400
Iraion Arch. Location ____ 22730 95277
Natural History Museum __ 22730 52055
Karlovasi Folklore Museum 22730 32265
N.Dimitriou Intellectual Institution 22730 62286
Nursing Home Solidarity Union 22730 22178
"Phoenix" Mitilinioi Union __ 22730 51049
Amateur Actors Club _____ 22730 80855
Samos Theater Group ____ 22730 22289
Samos Theater Group ___ 22730 80855
Samos Cinema Club ______ 22730 23174
Samos Cinema Club ______ 22730 32114

Football Associations Union 22730 27794
Football Associations Union 22730 24577
Football Associations Union 22730 27794
Regional Basketball Union _ 22730 25062
Football Referees' Associat. 22730 28490
Volleyball Committee _____ 22730 33229
Samos National Stadium __ 22730 27594
Karlovasi National Stadium 22730 34540

Metropolite of Samos and Ikaria
Metropolite _____________ 22730 28341
Secretariat _____________ 22730 27312
Samos Youth Center _____ 22730 28714
Karlovasi Youth Center ___ 22730 34013


Samos Port Police ________ 22730 27318
Karlovasi Port Police ______ 2273030888
Pythagoreio Port Police ____ 2273061225

Samos Airport ___________ 2273087800
Samos Airport ___________ 2273061222

Transportation Bureau ___ 22730 80396

Olympic Airways
Bookings (central) _________ 0801 44444
Booking (Samos) __________22730 27237
Cargo __________________ 22730 28491
Director ________________ 22730 28451
Airport Agency __________ 22730 61219
Karlovasi Agency _________ 22730 32488
Pythagoreio Agency ______ 22730 61300

Samos Busses (K.T.E.L.) __ 22730 27262

Samos TAXI Stand ______ 22730 28404
Karlovasi TAXI Stand _____ 22730 30777
Marathokampos TAXI Stand 22730 31000
Pythagoreio TAXI Stand __ 22730 61450
Kokkari TAXI Stand ______ 22730 92585
Chora TAXI Stand _______ 22730 91100
Mytilinioi TAXI Stand _____ 22730 51400

Road Assistance
ELPA __________________ 22730 27104
Express Service _________ 22730 25158
Interamerican ___________ 22730 23330


Brotherhood of Samians in Athens ______________________________ 210 5233498
Samian Union _______________________________________________ 210 3216566
Union of Mytinioi Samians ___________________ 22 Zinonos str.-P.Κ. 10437 Athens
"Taxiarchis" Union of Spathareoi Samians ________________________ 210 3254123
Union of Marathokampos' Samians ______________________________ 210 9347884
"Lykourgos Logothetis" Union of Karlovasi Samians _________________ 210 3846902
Union of Kallithea Samians _____________________________________ 210 9220332
Union of Platanos Samians __________________ 140 Solonos str. P.Κ. 10677 Athens
Union of Pythagoreio Samians _____________________ 210 4512301 & 210 4520081
"St. George" Cultural Union of Mavratzeoi Samians _________________ 210 6914253
Union of Stavrinides Samians __________________________________ 210 4631826
Union of Pyrgos Samians ________________ 18 Verantzerou str. P.K.-10432 Athens
Union of Lekka Samians ____________ 27 - 29 Sofianopoulou str. P.K.-11145 Athens
"Panagia Vrodiani" Union of Vourliotes Samians ____________________ 210 6531127
Union of Kastania Samians ____________________________________ 210 5018348
Union of Kontakeika Samians___________________ 19 Aeolou str.P.Κ. 10557 Athens

"Pythagoras" - Thessaloniki Union of Samians _____________________ 2310 282208
"Aristarchos the Samian" - Union of Samians in Patra _______________ 2610 435974

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